The Unsung Victims of The Ukraine Russia Conflict

Stop The War

How The Conflict Started 


Since February 20th, 2014, the Russo-Ukraine conflict has stirred on, which has in recent months escalated to a full-scale war that has taken the lives of approximately thirteen thousand people. The conflict started with the annexation of Crimea which was formerly Ukrainian territory. Since 2014 the region has seen spurts of conflict along with long periods of ceasefires. 


However, on the 21st of February 2022, the Kremlin started its formal invasion into Ukraine on grounds that they had destroyed a border FSB facility. Russian forces also claimed that they had killed five Ukrainian soldiers who had trespassed into Russia. This ultimately led to the start of the Russo-Ukraine war which resulted in the devastation of Ukraine and the loss of countless lives.



A Sinister Outcome 


Another less mentioned consequence of this conflict is the rocket rise of oil prices. One could argue that this is the direst of consequences of this event. How may a person enjoy the upcoming summer if all they can think about is how expensive a full tank of gas will be? How may we buy iced mochas, and acai if our wallets are being gouged out from petrol expenses? How can we poor innocents enjoy the sandy beaches if we are not able to afford to go 5 kilometers outside our houses? These are questions that may elude even Socrates himself. One may have dreamt in the two long years of the pandemic of traveling somewhere nice like Casablanca, however, how can you with airfares being so astronomically high. You could smuggle yourself into a tourist trap, but I hear even smugglers have increased their prices due to current gas rates.  


The world only just got out of the scourge of COVID only to step right into another major conflict. Everywhere you go, you must have some profound opinion regarding the war, so you seem somewhat intelligent and learned to the other mongoloids who along with you also have one source of news… Instagram, Twitter, and for some poor unfortunate souls Facebook. Not only should you have an opinion, but that “opinion” should be carefully tailored to match the zeitgeist. God forbid if an individual’s opinion ever so slightly teeters towards another direction, then they should prepare themselves for the fury and ire of their peers. 



An Appeal from The Heart


The devastating destruction currently taking place between Russia and Ukraine has left millions displaced and thousands of innocent people dead. Such world events get etched into the fabric of history and are a reminder of how difficult this world can be. A sad reality, however, is that those outside this region's struggle will be forgotten and swept aside. Our whims and wishes have been cast aside. Our hopes to feel grains of sand under our feet and the warm salty water surrounding our ankles; are gone like dust in the wind. Our desire to laugh with our friends or get into another vapid relationship is dashed all because of a war. 


An appeal to Presidents Vladimir Putin, and Volodymyr Zelensky. Please stop the fighting. Stop the fighting, not because of utopian notions of world peace. Stop the fighting so we can all go on a vacation, and not have another summer in tatters just because of another global incident that affects the lives of countless all over the world.

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