The Modern Day “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche”

Joe Biden meets a ghost

According to the world bank, it is possible that there may be an approximate 37% increase in global food prices. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has resulted in stark inflation all over the board, but the increase in food prices is a cause for major concern. The poorest strata living across the world are likely to be hit hardest due to less availability of food products and higher prices. Due to Russia being a major exporter of wheat and fertilizer products supply chains have been affected and inflation has become rampant in food products.


The US President's Controversial Statement 

On the 15th of April 2022, President Joe Biden held a 40-minute speech at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. The speech was mired with the mumbling and slurring of words, however, at the twilight of the speech, the commander in chief steered the monologue toward the unfortunate conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The President spoke about how Donald Trump and The Republican Party had singlehandedly caused the war. No evidence regarding this claim was given, but the President was in a fiery mood, and no one seemed to want to get in his way.


The leader of the free world did, however, provide a beacon of hope for those who worry about the possibility of global food shortages. In a moment eerily similar to Marie Antoinette’s infamous “let them eat brioche”, President Joe Biden said, “let them have Big Macs”. The remark left the room stunned. A silence had overtaken the room. After a pause of a few seconds, President Joe Biden followed the remark with “they can get a free large drink with that as well I heard.” The room of reporters and students erupted with thunderous applause that was so deafening, spectators claimed it almost got the President out of his trademark thousand-yard stare. At the end of the speech, President Joe Biden turned around to shake hands with an invisible entity that some say could be our lizard overlords in camouflage.



Reactions From Across The World


Economists and political pundits from across the world showed a mixture of fear, confusion, and elation towards the suggestion. It was truly an idea that no one could understand yet everyone thought could work. Peter Schiff an American economist and stockbroker was dumbfounded at President Bidens suggestion to help curb food shortages and said on his Livestream “if I knew that a Big Mac with cheese could save the world then I wouldn’t have spent the last thirty years scoffing at the idea of cramming a couple heart stoppers down my throat”. Even former President Donald Trump chimed in by saying “sleepy Joe Biden... has somehow... made a good plan... even though I could make one far better, far far better. My plan would be made from solid gold.”



A Way to Feed The Future?


Following the President’s statement, McDonald’s stock rose 2500% which has now made the fast-food giant the highest valued corporation in the world. McDonald’s CEO Chris Kempczininski organized a press conference where he addressed hundreds of reporters in a suit made from solid gold and diamonds. When asked if this plan to feed the world with Big Macs was viable, the CEO simply replied “well if the Biden administration is going to start buying our products to save the world then I am confident that we will be able to feed my pockets, oh errrr I apologize I meant the hungry children of the world.”

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