Pitfalls of Blind Followers

Roe V Wade Protest

The Backdrop


The supreme court of the United States of America is poised to strike down the Roe v Wade in the coming weeks. The law states that a woman's right to choose to get an abortion will be protected by the constitution of the United States with little to no government interference. The decision was made on January 22, 1973 and has been mired in controversy ever since. However, in recent times this issue has become white-hot due to republican states either banning the law or severely restricting it. For instance, the state of Florida recently banned abortion of up to 15 weeks unless the fetus has dire defects or is threatening the life of the mother. 


One of the more interesting aspects of this issue is that a female supreme court judge by the name of Amy Coney Barrett is set to rule against Roe v Wade and take away the right of ejecting fetuses like a cassette tape so many women fought for 49 years ago. The supreme court judge had replaced Ruth Bader Ginsburg who herself was deemed to be a feminist icon and had served the courts till the ripe old age of 187 years of age. The appointment of Amy Coney Barrett was deemed to be somewhat controversial as some wanted to make her into a bastion of women’s rights, and others made her out to be a devil wearing human skin due to her conservative views. 



Followers Of the Outside 


There is a mental disease in men, women, and non-binary creatures of following individuals or groups not based on merit, but because they check a list of what people want to hear. Gone are the days of supporting the best of the best; we now live in a time where we support people simply based on the color of their skin, their gender, or whatever object they identify as this week. It is a great irony that a woman will be a part of the group that will strike down a law that so many females in the west hold dear due to its close cultural linkage to feminism and more specifically liberal feminism. This may be a sign that following those who share physical characteristics or simply say what the public wants to hear is a trap waiting to happen. A recent example of this would be the man who appointed Amy Coney Barrett. The golden boy, the pride of mandarins and odd hairstyles everywhere, Donald J. Trump. As a man with multiple divorces and a sling of scandals, I feel it is fair to say that former president Trump does not hold the moral standards of a 12th-century Christian monk, however, he was able to win the presidential election in large part of galvanizing Americas vast Christian community by simply saying exactly what they wanted to hear. That he loved Christianity (most probably does not care about it), he loved the American worker (as a man who famously defecates on gold toilets, we can assume this is also less than true), and that immigrants are a danger to America (this may be the only sentiment he believes). 



Wise To Not Get Duped 


If a genie could grant me just one humble wish, I would ask for every person on the planet to choose leaders based on meritocracy rather than silver tongues with similar attributes, but it is a fool’s dream to think that will ever happen. The people are the ones who in most cases pick their leaders, and time and time again it is the people who most often pick lunacy.  


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